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  Sujet: King in the North 2024
marco baroni

Réponses: 2
Vus: 1658

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Sam Aoû 24, 2024 7:47 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2024
Only 8 weeks to go until KITN 2024

Fully Paid

Marco Baroni
Paul Dawson
Charles Gronau
William Robertson
Hugh Cameron
Mike Bennett
David Dryden
Martin Stephenson
Andy Ellis
Kev Ellis
Fr ...
  Sujet: King in the North 2024
marco baroni

Réponses: 2
Vus: 1658

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Lun Fév 19, 2024 10:21 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2024
18 confirmed attendees so far, numbers limited to 32 so get in touch if you are planning on entering.
  Sujet: King in the North 2024
marco baroni

Réponses: 2
Vus: 1658

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Mer Oct 18, 2023 8:51 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2024
Plenty of notice in case you want to paint up a new force...
King in the North 2024

Date:   Saturday & Sunday 19/20th October 2024
Time: 9am for 915am start both days
Venue:   Ha ...
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Dim Oct 15, 2023 7:08 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023
Thanks Marco for laying on an excellent weekend's gaming. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

Over five games I lost 118APs and took 128 which gave me 1 win, 1 mutual and 3 defeats. Great fun!
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Ven Oct 13, 2023 2:54 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023
Due to another unfortunate dropout, the following revisions should be noted:

Andy Fyfe Vs Marco Baroni.
John Hogan Vs Paul Johnstone.
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Ven Oct 13, 2023 2:53 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023
Dave Allen
157 Scots
Robin Jackson
133 Andalusian Arab
Is it too early to reveal my cunning plan?


Unfortunately I have revealed it. Due to a clerical error on my part, Dave was nev ...
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Jeu Oct 12, 2023 9:13 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023
1st Round Draw

Hugh Cameron
156 Irish
Kevin Johnson
156 Irish

Chris Tofalos
156 Irish
Charles Gronau
155 Viking and Leidang

Andy Fyfe
133 Andalusian Arab
John Hogan
155 V ...
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Dim Oct 08, 2023 7:05 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023
We have unfortunately had a drop out. If you would like a weekend of ADLG in York, next weekend please email me at
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Mar Oct 03, 2023 7:59 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023

Plenty of local options on Saturday. Probably just the Co-op and pub on the Sunday
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Lun Oct 02, 2023 8:34 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023
King in The North 2023, Runners & Riders

Hugh Cameron 156 Irish
George Dick 155 Viking and Leidang
Chris Tofalos 156 Irish
Martin Stephenson 133 Andalusian Arab
Chri ...
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Mar Sep 26, 2023 6:22 am   Sujet: King in the North 2023
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Just checked the email and I can't see anything that looks like an email for you.

Guess you'll just have to take my word for it Tonto.

On the plus side Chris Tofal ...
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Ven Sep 22, 2023 12:01 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023
Confirmed/Paid up Attendees:

If you think you should be on this list please email me at
Still time for entrants but would only confirm entry 2 at a time to keep even numbers:
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Mar Mai 02, 2023 7:50 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023
Updated with venue details:

King in the North 2023

Date:   Saturday & Sunday 14th/15th October 2023
Time: 9am for 930am start both days
Venue:   Haxby Memorial Hall, 16 The Village, Haxb ...
  Sujet: King in the North 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 27
Vus: 11565

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Mer Fév 08, 2023 8:50 pm   Sujet: King in the North 2023
King in the North 2023

Date:   Saturday & Sunday 14th/15th October 2023
Time: 9am for 930am start both days
Venue:   TBC, York, UK
Theme:   Vikings!  790-1049AD

All Armies & Allie ...
  Sujet: Vapnartak, York Saturday 4th February 2023
marco baroni

Réponses: 0
Vus: 698

MessageForum: Tournaments and Events   Posté le: Mer Nov 30, 2022 10:28 pm   Sujet: Vapnartak, York Saturday 4th February 2023
This is on Saturday 4th February and therefore the day before the York Wargames Show (Vapnartak ) at the York Racecourse for those that want to make a weekend of it and go to the show .

It will b ...
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