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Elephant Rampage & Included Commanders
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Rules question V4
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 350
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 16, 2022 10:16 am    Sujet du message: Elephant Rampage & Included Commanders Répondre en citant
Imagine that a pike unit with included commander is in melee against an elephant. The elephant routs and rampages onto the pike.

Does this situation require the included commander to test for elimination? Page 28 says that included commanders must test when a 'unit loses cohesion in melee', but I would argue that the melee is over by the time the elephant flops over.

This actually came up twice in the same game on Saturday. In both cases, we agreed to roll the dice and argue only if a '1' came up, but it would be good to know for sure.

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Inscrit le: 07 Fév 2017
Messages: 328
Localisation: Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK
MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 16, 2022 2:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
The rule specifies that , "If the unit to which the commander is engaged in combat loses cohesion for any reason, the opposing player rolls 1D6... " (P28 Col 1 Bullet 2)

P28, Col 1, Bullet 4 speciifes when the dice is rolled, the actual cohesion loss could have occurred in the movement phase, the melee or in melee resolution. There are other causes of cohesion loss in melee resolution such as a friendly unit being forced to rout through the commander's unit.

To me the logical sequence would be to complete all the rout and pursuit outcomes, then test for any commander who's unit has lost cohesion during the turn.
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 350
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 16, 2022 2:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Thanks, Kevin,

That makes sense...

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Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2021
Messages: 501
Localisation: Texas
MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 16, 2022 6:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
kevinj a écrit:
The rule specifies that , "If the unit to which the commander is engaged in combat loses cohesion for any reason, the opposing player rolls 1D6... " (P28 Col 1 Bullet 2)

P28, Col 1, Bullet 4 speciifes when the dice is rolled, the actual cohesion loss could have occurred in the movement phase, the melee or in melee resolution. There are other causes of cohesion loss in melee resolution such as a friendly unit being forced to rout through the commander's unit.

To me the logical sequence would be to complete all the rout and pursuit outcomes, then test for any commander who's unit has lost cohesion during the turn.

I assumed the general would have to check but it’s just not entirely clear if the commander is still “engaged in combatâ€.

The wording on page 68 is silent on the issue and could be consistent with assuming it either still is or is no longer engaged in combat. Maybe the wording (first paragraph on p 68 ) “When a unit has lost all its cohesion points… it is Routed and removed from play†implies a sequence - rout first then removed from play and until the routed unit is actually removed it’s opponent is still engaged in combat.

The problem is once a unit has lost all its cohesion points it is Routed (p 9). Attached commanders remain in combat “until one of the units is Routed†(p 27) Does this mean it is no longer engaged in combat once it’s opponents are Routed even if not yet removed from the table?

The problem is that Routed is both a status (lost all CPs) and an action (rout/rampage through others and remove from the table). Which, status or action, is required to release the commander from combat (and the risk of elimination if the attached unit looses a CP)?
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I never roll a six

Inscrit le: 07 Oct 2014
Messages: 40
MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 16, 2022 8:57 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Jesse, I think the point is that if a unit with an attached general suffers a cohesion loss while the unit is in melee, that triggers a test for possible commander loss. So, if in your example, your pike is fighting my elephant frontally, and during my movement phase, I hit your pike with a flanking unit, causing a cohesion hit on your pike unit, then even if you win that combat round and rout my elephant, you still take a test at the end of the turn because the cohesion hit for the flank contact took place before the melee was concluded.

In our game yesterday, you had one chance to kill my included (on an elephant) General and rolled a 1, and I had 3 chances to kill your attached generals in various combats and failed to roll a 1.

C'est la Guerre!
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 350
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 17, 2022 8:15 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Hi John,

I was not complaining. I think it's fair to say that I had more than my fair share of luck in our game Smile

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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2014
Messages: 1545
MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 17, 2022 8:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
KevinD a écrit:

I assumed the general would have to check but it’s just not entirely clear if the commander is still “engaged in combatâ€.

If the commander was the primary unit in melee it counts.
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Rules question V4
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