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War of the roses
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Army lists
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Brave Coeur

Inscrit le: 06 Oct 2011
Messages: 777
Localisation: Strasbourg/Paris
MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 21, 2014 10:08 pm    Sujet du message: War of the roses Répondre en citant
In the french version, only the yorkist (Y) list can't have a royal guard. Or the yorkist pretenders (YP) can have one. As a YORKIST, Edward IV had the longest reign so I am pretty sure that he had a retinue of bodyguard. Enough to make a AdG unit ?
So in case of no other arguments, I suggest to authorize the royal guard for the Y list from 1461 to 1483 (to simplify) and not to YP one.

The second point is the impossibility to Yorkist to have Irish mercenaries. Or as far as I red, Edwards started as lieutenant of Ireland.
So I kindly ask to our English players some highlights about that point. If I'm right, I would like to suggest to Hervė (El Creator) to authorized Irish mercenaries to Yorkist from 1455 to 1461 or 1470 before he fled to burgundy.

Brave Coeur ... that "runs" for that English period.
Space Rookie

Dernière édition par Brave Coeur le Mer Déc 24, 2014 4:17 pm; édité 1 fois
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Brave Coeur

Inscrit le: 06 Oct 2011
Messages: 777
Localisation: Strasbourg/Paris
MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 24, 2014 4:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Nobody to answer ? El creator ?
Space Rookie
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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2014
Messages: 8
MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 27, 2014 1:54 pm    Sujet du message: Re: War of the roses Répondre en citant
Brave Coeur a écrit:
In the french version, only the yorkist (Y) list can't have a royal guard. Or the yorkist pretenders (YP) can have one. As a YORKIST, Edward IV had the longest reign so I am pretty sure that he had a retinue of bodyguard. Enough to make a AdG unit ?
So in case of no other arguments, I suggest to authorize the royal guard for the Y list from 1461 to 1483 (to simplify) and not to YP one.

FWIW no English king of the period maintained a "royal guard" above a few "knights of the body" (about half a dozen IIRC) and certainly nothing you'd call a battlefield unit. Any guard on the battlefield would be something of an ad hoc affair and still probably quite small. The nearest we have to a record on this (again IIRC) is the purchase of about 180 harness' by Richard III (at a cost of just under £400 for those interested) prior to Bosworth which may have been for his immediate retinue in the battle who fought mounted.

Fundamentally in army list terms Richard may be the only one to justify it, otherwise I think letting anyone have one is just as reasonable.


The second point is the impossibility to Yorkist to have Irish mercenaries. Or as far as I red, Edwards started as lieutenant of Ireland.
So I kindly ask to our English players some highlights about that point. If I'm right, I would like to suggest to Hervė (El Creator) to authorized Irish mercenaries to Yorkist from 1455 to 1461 or 1470 before he fled to burgundy.

Brave Coeur ... that "runs" for that English period.

I think you are confusing Edward with his father, Richard of York, who was lieutenant of Ireland - I don't think Edward ever was. I cannot recall any use of Irish by the Yorkists - I doubt anyone would do so either, the campaign that led to Stoke Field was a bit different from the norm.
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Brave Coeur

Inscrit le: 06 Oct 2011
Messages: 777
Localisation: Strasbourg/Paris
MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 06, 2015 8:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Thank you very much !
but could you explain FWIW and IIRC ?

Best regards
Space Rookie
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I never roll a six

Inscrit le: 07 Oct 2014
Messages: 40
MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 06, 2015 9:10 pm    Sujet du message: Acronyms Répondre en citant
FWIW stands for "For what it's worth"
IIRC stands for "If I Remember correctly."
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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2014
Messages: 8
MessagePosté le: Mer Jan 07, 2015 5:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Ah, sorry for the abbreviations - I don't often post on forums where English isn't the main language Embarassed

Also to pedantically correct myself Richard III bought 168 complete Milanese armours for £560.
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2014
Messages: 1546
MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 12, 2015 11:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
The practical impact is one more elite unit changing the upper limit to 3 not 2 and allowing 1 elite heavy knight.

Since the authors suggest a mounted unit could be only 125 men, it works just fine.

It is understandable convention in simplifying the rules and I suspect trying to keep variety in army choice rather than other rules that pedantically wreck armies and their game in the name of so called historical research that is sketchy at best.
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Brave Coeur

Inscrit le: 06 Oct 2011
Messages: 777
Localisation: Strasbourg/Paris
MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 31, 2015 6:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Thank for your highlights. Yes indeed we are some few french trying to express our self in English.

So I suggest the modification of list as follow:

Royal-Guard L, Y, R3, T
heavy knight impact ............13......0-1
knight on foot ......................12
elite only R3 ................... ....+2

Thank very much.
Your are welcome in Strasbourg if you come.
See you
Brave Coeur
Space Rookie
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