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28/29 october 2023 - Nervians Tournament at Lille
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major highteeb
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2011
Messages: 1175
MessagePosté le: Sam Juil 29, 2023 1:25 pm    Sujet du message: 28/29 october 2023 - Nervians Tournament at Lille Répondre en citant
I'm sorry it's in English but I don't have so much confidence in DeepL to translate all the stuff in spanish !

Hello everyone

The Nerviens club is organising its annual doubles tournament on 28 and 29 October 2023.

But first I would like to apologise to the organisers of the Nancy tournament. The date for using the hall is given to us by the Templemars town hall and it's difficult to change it. Then I was late in announcing the tournament.

Henri Desbonnet Hall
4 rue Jules Guesde
59175 Templemars (Near Lille, north of France)

- This year's theme is a logical continuation of last year's. After the Byzantines, here are the Crusades, or the clash between East and West. To be clear, all the lists must be drawn up between 1050 A.D. and 1291 A.D. (yeah, dates are debatable). Please note that allies must also be included in this period.
This is a 300pts tournament for teams of 2, so please specify the first and last names of the two players in your team when sending in your lists.
- The tournament will be played with version 4 of the rules.
- This is a 15mm tournament, on 100x150cm tables. Games will last 3h30, with a minimum of 7 rounds (otherwise blitz). Sets will not be provided by the organisers. The dice will be provided by the organisers.
- In each round, there will be the WAR BROUILLARD, i.e. your armies will be deployed hidden by a screen, but noting ambushes and flank marches on the map.
- One and only one corps can be deployed behind another. Its deployment zone will be entirely behind another.
- There will be a re-roll card which will allow you to re-roll your dice or your opponent's dice (but only once during the game) during the first 3 games.
- During the games, each player will play 2 bodies.
- The referees' decisions are final.
- Challenges may be issued under the usual conditions. Of course, they may be refused.
- Army lists must be provided using the Excel form available on the website under the "game aids" tab.

- The tournament will consist of 4 games. 2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday
- Schedule :
Saturday 28 October 2023 :
08:30 - Welcome
09:00 - First game
12:30 - End of first part and lunch
13:30 - Second part
17:00 - End of the second part

Sunday 29 October 2023 :
08:30 - Third part
12:00 - End of the third part and lunch
13:00 - Part four
16:30 - End of the fourth part

- The final lists must reach us by midnight on Saturday 21 October 2023.

Entries and lists should be sent to

The authorised lists will be published in a few days' time.

If the ally is not one of the authorised armies (unless otherwise stated), then it is not authorised.
It is possible to take 2 allied corps. From the same list or from two different lists.
Heavy knights are forbidden (mounted or dismounted).
Be careful to respect the dates from 1051 to 1291 AD. The option "from 1291" is out of period.
No more than two lists from the same army

132 Arabs in North Africa (No allies)
138 Bedouin Dynasties (Kurdish ally)
164 Pekingese
179 Normans (Sicily option compulsory and no allies)
182 French Feudal ("after 1150" option compulsory and no Southern France, Northern France or Charles d'Anjou option)
185 English Feudal (Only French allies allowed)
188 Kingdom of Sicily
190 Spanish Feudal (French Southern ally allowed)
191 German Feudal (Imperial Army option outside Italy but no free Canton ally or Feudal Army option in South and East Germany)
192 Byzantine Constantinian
193 Byzantine Commene (Couman ally allowed)
194 Armenians of Cilicia
195 Crusaders
196 Late Crusaders
197 Franks of Cyprus
198 Eastern Latin Empire (Couman ally authorised)
199 Dailamite dynasties
200 Kurdish dynasties
202 Egyptian Fatimids
203 Seljuk Turks (except Eastern Seljuk option, Khorezmian allies authorised)
204 Taifes kingdoms
205 Syrians (Khorezmian allies authorised)
207 Ayyubid Egyptians (Khorezmian ally allowed)
211 Berbers (Must choose one of the following options: Almoravids, Almohads or Hasfids)
215 Georgians
220 Teutonic Knights (No allies)
229 Mongol Empire (Couman ally allowed)
230 Kingdom of Granada
258 Late Byzantines (Couman and Tatar allies allowed)
259 Mamluks
260 Turcomans
270 Ilkanid Mongols (Tatar ally allowed)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate!
Thibault, des NERVIENS (59)
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