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List280 Muromachi (1336–1467) & Early Sengoku (1467-1515
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Army lists
Auteur Message
Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 336
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 16, 2023 9:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Zoltan a écrit:

What does “became more professional†mean in the intro notes? Sounds like a modern-day term being retro-fitted to an historical time.

Do you mean the proportion of “mercenaries†increased (if that concept existed during the Samurai era) or weekend warrior Samurai became full-time fighters due to the frequency of battles?

Suggest simply delete those words as they seem anachronistic, or replace them with a more historically meaningful phrase.

"became more professional" means what it says Very Happy

Before this era most of the non-Samurai troops (Followers) were very much part-time warriors, they had little or only basic training and were usually conscripted farmers or serfs. They served out of feudal obligation, not for wages.

During this period these types of troops became full time salaried solders (Ashigaru) - they were trained regularly, supplied with uniforms, armed and equipped with armour from central arsenals, fed and paid by their master and whilst they would have undertaken other roles/jobs in peacetime (as was the case with European 'professional' soldiers at this time, and as also was the case with the Samurai themselves) first and foremost they saw themselves as full-time soldiers.
So the word 'professional' is an appropriate adjective. This was one of the major changes that distinguishes this period from the earlier ones.

Ashigaru were 'professional' soldiers in the same way that a Roman Legionary could be described as a 'professional' soldier - because he was primarily a full-time soldier, within a defined and hierarchical military career structure, systematically trained, regularly paid, armed and clothed by the state. The Ashigaru at this time were exactly the same.

NB: Mercenaries were rare in Japanese warfare - in fact they were generally despised. Ronin were master-less Samurai who would often fight for the money. They were generally looked down upon and regarded as inferior to other Samurai morally and in fighting terms.

I hope that helps clarify things.
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