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When can units evade and in what order?
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Rules questions V3
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Ramses II
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2015
Messages: 1160
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 24, 2019 10:09 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Check the FAQ, p11 Evade adjusted move distance. 

To be allowed to evade, a unit must be declared “a targetâ€. In the example provided the HI are declared to be the target as well as the LI, so there is no adjusted pursuit move as some targets did not evade. 

And in the example being discussed, the LC might be trapped in front of Impact Cavalry which cannot evade.
(Note, if that were the case the LC would be the only “targets†since the cavalry could not be contacted even if they were within charge distance).
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2014
Messages: 1545
MessagePosté le: Jeu Juil 25, 2019 9:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
You cannot declare the target of charge which you cannot hit.

1 > A B

In the above example 1 will trigger A and its reaction to the charge; depending on its reaction B will then consider its reaction. It is clearly a sequence.

If A is unable to evade, then B does not react because it is not being contacted.

Now lets say 1 is HC and A is LI and B is MC. The sequence is still A reacts first then B. This is true even though A is known to have to evade.

Now people often conflate laying in the angle of a charge such that it will strike a specific unit, knowing the intervening unit must evade. But that is for clarity of game play, not the actual sequence.

Just had a game where I wanted to charge some LI, but I would have passed through a ZOC to do it and thus been unable to contact the LI. As much as I wanted to make the LI evade, it was not possible because of the sequence of how charges are done.
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Ramses II
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2015
Messages: 1160
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 2:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
While I agree with the logic in principle, there is nothing in the rules about the sequence of evades,

So as far as I know, the choice is up to the defender. Using your example, if both were declared to be targets, I believe the MC could evade first followed by the LI, or visa versa. 
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Inscrit le: 18 Jan 2015
Messages: 445
Localisation: Wellington, New Zealand
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 5:37 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
But back to the OP and Dan's reiteration of the key point - any unit that is NOT a target of the charge at the point it is declared because it is not able to be hit at that point in time, is NOT itself permitted to evade. Thus, a second line screened by intervening friends is NOT entitled to evade first in order to provide room for the intervening friends to now evade.
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Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2016
Messages: 682
Localisation: West Bromwich
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 6:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Ramses II a écrit:
While I agree with the logic in principle, there is nothing in the rules about the sequence of evades,

So as far as I know, the choice is up to the defender. Using your example, if both were declared to be targets, I believe the MC could evade first followed by the LI, or visa versa. 

Also by your logic the first line can stand and the second line can evade. Avoiding being in the rout zone later.
Player 747 don't call me Jumbo
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Ramses II
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2015
Messages: 1160
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 11:43 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
I want to have my cake and eat it Very Happy

This is the point where we potentially hit the conundrum presented. As Zoltan presented earlier, the process states that all "targets" declare their evade intentions. So, assuming that the Cavalry are a legitimate target (because the LC can interpenetrate, or otherwise avoid them), then both LC and Cavalry make a choice to evade or not.
But, assuming that the LC choose to stand, then the Cavalry are no longer a legitimate target, so may not choose to evade . . .

While I agree that deciding to evade is sequential, I contend that the actual evade moves can be made in any order. So if they both decide to evade, the LC could move first, or the cavalry could be moved allowing the LC to move in a slightly different path.
However, where the LC are actually blocked by the cavalry to their rear, the LC cannot evade. In this case the cavalry are not a legitimate target, and consequently the cavalry may not evade.

The real question is whether the cavalry, being at an angle to the direction of the LC evade, actually block the path of the LC evade or not.
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Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2016
Messages: 682
Localisation: West Bromwich
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 11:49 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Until the LC interpenetrates the cavalry are not a target so it moves second.
Player 747 don't call me Jumbo
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Ramses II
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2015
Messages: 1160
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 11:52 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Dickstick a écrit:
Until the LC interpenetrates the cavalry are not a target so it moves second.
Here I disagree. The FAQ presents the example of HI screened by LI, but both are declared as targets.

In our case, the LC are a screen to the units behind, so both may be declared as targets, because they may be contacted legitimately (ie if the LC evade, the units behind may be contacted).

Basically, the players evaluate the potential targets and evade paths and agree what is possible before decisions are taken to charge and evade.

Dernière édition par Ramses II le Ven Juil 26, 2019 12:00 pm; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2016
Messages: 682
Localisation: West Bromwich
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 11:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Yes the cavalry may be declared as targets.
But don't care until they are a target.
You wish people to run away from shadows?
Player 747 don't call me Jumbo
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Ramses II
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2015
Messages: 1160
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 12:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Like I said, the position is evaluated before decisions to charge or evade are made, so "No", the cavalry are not running from shadows.
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Inscrit le: 18 Jan 2015
Messages: 445
Localisation: Wellington, New Zealand
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 12:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
And so once again we come full circle re the OP.

Because the cav are at an angle (i.e. not perfectly parallel to the LC), and within 1UD of the LC, the LC are NOT permitted to interpenetrate the cav (the rules do not permit the LC to wheel after their initial quarter/half turn to become perfectly parallel).

Thus the LC can not evade and remain screening the cav from the charge.

Because the cav are screened from the charge they have no right to evade in order to negate the “within 1UD obstacle rule†etc etc etc.
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Ramses II
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2015
Messages: 1160
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 12:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Zoltan a écrit:
Because the cav are at an angle (i.e. not perfectly parallel to the LC), and within 1UD of the LC, the LC are NOT permitted to interpenetrate the cav (the rules do not permit the LC to wheel after their initial quarter/half turn to become perfectly parallel).

Thus the LC can not evade and remain screening the cav from the charge.

Because the cav are screened from the charge they have no right to evade in order to negate the “within 1UD obstacle rule†etc etc etc.
This is actually the key question. We know that a unit evading may slide and / or wheel. The issue becomes when this wheel may be made, and whether the LC may use it to interpenetrate their friends.
If this is permissible, then the cav may be declared a potential target, so may choose to evade etc.
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Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2016
Messages: 682
Localisation: West Bromwich
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 1:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Ramses II a écrit:
Like I said, the position is evaluated before decisions to charge or evade are made, so "No", the cavalry are not running from shadows.

The consequences of your view is that when the LC don't move out of the way (can't evade or move too short) the cavalry can still evade when not threatened. Ie running from shadows.
Player 747 don't call me Jumbo
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Ramses II
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2015
Messages: 1160
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 2:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
I disagree there Smile

This whole question depends on whether the cavalry can be contacted 'legitimately', and that definition includes the concept of the LC evading - just like the FAQ example where the LI evade revealing some unit behind. If the LC can evade, the cavalry become a legitimate target, so they are permitted to choose to evade. But, these questions are determined before the charge is declared. Then, the target(s) are declared and those targets may decide to evade.

As I said earlier, if some of the targets decide to stand, that may prevent others from evading - but that should have been established beforehand. And proceeding this way also removes the conundrum described above.
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2014
Messages: 1545
MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 26, 2019 7:35 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
I think you are all jumping the shark and reverting to DBMisms where nonsensical stuff is justified in the name of allegedly non precise wording.

As someone posted the rear can evade when the front does not is just wrong.

Use some commonsense. I know commonsense was beaten out of all of us in WRG edition 563.2 but please lets take a stand for common sense.
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