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2023 Lusitania Team Challenge
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Tornei e partite organizzate
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 10, 2023 9:44 pm    Sujet du message: 2023 Lusitania Team Challenge Répondre en citant
AJSP Portugal presents:

2023 Lusitania Team Challenge

Venue: Largo do Museu de Artilharia, Lisboa, Portugal ( )
Date: 02-03 September (Saturday/Sunday)
Rules: ADLG V4
Scale: 15/18mm
Army size: 200 points
Format: 4 players Team tournament
Rounds: 5

Periods: Each Team’s player play in a different period using a single list.
« Antiquity and New World »
Not allowed troops : Foot or mounted Knights
- Lists 1 to 37 (Allies just until 661 B.C.)
- Lists 283 to 300
« Classical »
Not allowed troops : Foot or mounted Knights
- Lists 38 to 123
« Dark Ages and Feudal »
Not allowed troops : Heavy Knights and Foot Knights
- Lists 124 to 229
« Late Middle Ages»
- Lists 230 to 282

Trophies for:
- Best Team
- Best Players per period

Medals for:
- 2nd and 3rd Team

Provisional Registration and Final Registration:

Registration Schedule:
Provisional Registration : 17 July 2023
Registration : From 22 July until 5 August 2023

Saturday, 2 September 2023:
08:00 – Captains teams check-in
08:20 – 1st game
11:30 – lunch
12:30 – 2nd game
15:40 – 3rd game
18:30 – End of day 1

Sunday, 3 September 2022:
08:00 – Captains teams check-in
08:10 – 4th game
11:00 – Snack Break
11:30 – 5th game
14:20 – Awards
15:00 – End of the tournament

After payment the captain should notify the tournament organization ( ) of the transaction

Payment methods:
Bank transaction: IBAN - PT50003503250000821853068
Paypal :
MBway: 965248779

- Payments until the deadline for final registration (5 August):
AJSP club members : 30 Euro
Other players: 40 Euro

- Payment from 6 August:
AJSP club members: 35 Euro
Other players: 45 Euro

Maximum Participants:
26 Teams

Provisional Registration:
For the provisional registration you need to email to the following information:
- Team's Name
- Captain Name
- Captain's valid contact
- The name of the 3 other palyers of the team

With its provisional registration a team reserve its place for the tournament if she respects the due date for the Final Registration .
Starting from the 21st team, all registrations are considered as conditional. The final approval will always depend on a pair number of teams and on the available space.

Final Registration:
For the final registration, until the 5th August, the captain needs to submit to
- The period in wich player will be participating
- Confirmation of the name of the 4 players
- The players lists for validation
- Inscription payment

Importante Notes:
- A team with provisional registration that don't send the information for final registration until due date, loses its inscription order and starts counting as a Conditional Registration
- In case of need on final registration a Team can change its team members. But if the Team don't present 4 players until the 14th of August, it will start counting as a conditional registration when it manages to present a full team.

Dernière édition par Orlando Almeida le Mer Aoû 23, 2023 8:30 pm; édité 4 fois
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Mer Jan 11, 2023 8:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
e ora siamo...

Ex Colonials (NZL/USA)
España 1 (ESP)
Ludius Lusitani (PRT)
US 1 (USA)
The Man from Downunder (AUS)
ex-Magic 22 (GBR)
Mojito Compagnie 1 (FRA)
Suricatas de Alpercatas (PRT)
Portugal 1 (PRT)
La companyia catalana (ESP)
les cadets de Gascogne (FRA)
Yorkshire (GBR)
The woefully unprepaired(GER)

NZL - 1
ESP - 2
PRT - 3
AUS - 1
GBR - 2
FRA - 2
GER - 1
USA - 1
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Mer Jan 25, 2023 8:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Stiamo raggiungendo il limite delle iscrizioni garantite.
Dopo 20° squadra le iscrizioni saranno condizionate (numero pari squadre e disponibilità di spazio)

Ex Colonials (NZL/USA)
España 1 (ESP)
Ludius Lusitani (PRT)
US 1 (USA)
The Man from Downunder (AUS)
ex-Magic 22 (GBR)
Mojito Compagnie 1 (FRA)
Suricatas de Alpercatas (PRT)
Portugal 1 (PRT)
La companyia catalana (ESP)
les cadets de Gascogne (FRA)
Yorkshire (GBR)
The woefully unprepaired (GER)
Capítulo Nono (FRA)
España 2 (ESP)
España 3 (ESP)
Strategus Alentejus (PRT)
Nuijamiehet (FIN)

AUS - 1
ESP - 4
FIN - 1
FRA - 3
GBR - 3
GER - 1
NZL - 1
PRT - 4
USA - 1
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Ven Jan 27, 2023 7:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ex Colonials (NZL/USA)
España 1 (ESP)
Ludius Lusitani (PRT)
US 1 (USA)
The Man from Downunder (AUS)
ex-Magic 22 (GB-ENG)
Mojito Compagnie 1 (FRA)
Suricatas de Alpercatas (PRT)
Portugal 1 (PRT)
La companyia catalana (ESP)
les cadets de Gascogne (FRA)
Yorkshire (GB-ENG)
The woefully unprepaired (GER)
Capítulo Nono (FRA)
España 2 (ESP)
España 3 (ESP)
Strategus Alentejus (PRT)
Nuijamiehet (FIN)
Achille (FRA)

-- condizionale --
Greece (GRE)
Scotland (GB-SCT)

AUS - 1
ESP - 4
FIN - 1
FRA - 4
GB-ENG - 3
GB-SCT - 1
GER - 1
GRE - 1
NZL - 1
PRT - 4
USA - 1
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 03, 2023 10:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ex Colonials (NZL/USA)
España 1 (ESP)
Ludius Lusitani (PRT)
US 1 (USA)
The Galahs from Downunder (AUS)
ex-Magic 22 (GB-ENG)
Mojito Compagnie 1 (FRA)
Suricatas de Alpercatas (PRT)
Portugal 1 (PRT)
La companyia catalana (ESP)
les cadets de Gascogne (FRA)
Yorkshire (GB-ENG)
The woefully unprepaired (GER)
Capítulo Nono (FRA)
España 2 (ESP)
España 3 (ESP)
Strategus Alentejus (PRT)
Nuijamiehet (FIN)
Achille (FRA)

-- Conditional --
Greece (GRE)
Scotland (GB-SCT)
Oreband (PRT)

AUS - 1
ESP - 4
FIN - 1
FRA - 4
GB-ENG - 3
GB-SCT - 1
GER - 1
GRE - 1
NZL - 1
PRT - 5
USA - 1
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 25, 2023 10:23 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Abbiamo avuto la conferma dello spazio per 24 squadre, quindi abbiamo ancora un posto per una squadra...

Ex Colonials (NZL/USA)
España 1 (ESP)
Ludius Lusitani (PRT)
US 1 (USA)
The Galahs from Downunder (AUS)
ex-Magic 22 (GB-ENG)
Mojito Compagnie 1 (FRA)
Suricatas de Alpercatas (PRT)
Portugal 1 (PRT)
La companyia catalana (ESP)
les cadets de Gascogne (FRA)
Yorkshire (GB-ENG)
The woefully unprepaired (GER)
Capítulo Nono (FRA)
España 2 (ESP)
España 3 (ESP)
Strategus Alentejus (PRT)
Nuijamiehet (FIN)
Achille (FRA)
Greece (GRE)
Scotland (GB-SCT)

-- Conditional --
Oreband (PRT)

AUS - 1
ESP - 4
FIN - 1
FRA - 4
GB-ENG - 3
GB-SCT - 1
GER - 1
GRE - 1
NZL - 1
PRT - 5
USA - 1
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 03, 2023 8:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ex Colonials (NZL/USA)
España 1 (ESP)
Ludius Lusitani (PRT)
US 1 (USA)
The Galahs from Downunder (AUS)
ex-Magic 22 (GB-ENG)
Mojito Compagnie 1 (FRA)
Suricatas de Alpercatas (PRT)
Portugal 1 (PRT)
La companyia catalana (ESP)
les cadets de Gascogne (FRA)
Yorkshire (GB-ENG)
The woefully unprepaired (GER)
Capítulo Nono (FRA)
España 2 (ESP)
España 3 (ESP)
Strategus Alentejus (PRT)
Nuijamiehet (FIN)
Achille (FRA)
Greece (GRE)
Scotland (GB-SCT)
Oreband (PRT)
Anglo-Iberian Caçadores (GB-ENG / PRT)

AUS - 1
ESP - 4
FIN - 1
FRA - 4
GB-ENG - 4
GB-SCT - 1
GER - 1
GRE - 1
NZL - 1
PRT - 5
USA - 1
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 31, 2023 5:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ex Colonials (NZL/USA)
España 1 (ESP)
Ludius Lusitani (PRT)
US 1 (USA)
The Galahs from Downunder (AUS)
The Daughters of Dracula (GB-ENG)
Mojito Compagnie 1 (FRA)
Suricatas de Alpercatas (PRT)
Portugal 1 (PRT)
La companyia catalana (ESP)
les cadets de Gascogne (FRA)
Yorkshire (GB-ENG)
The woefully unprepaired (GER)
Capítulo Nono (FRA)
España 2 (ESP)
España 3 (ESP)
Strategus Alentejus (PRT)
Nuijamiehet (FIN)
Achille (FRA)
Greece (GRE)
Scotland (GB-SCT)
Oreband (PRT)
Anglo-Iberian Caçadores (GB-ENG / PRT)

-- condizionale --

1 Legio Italica (ITA)

AUS - 1
ESP - 4
FIN - 1
FRA - 4
GB-ENG - 4
GB-SCT - 1
GER - 1
GRE - 1
ITA - 1
NZL - 1
PRT - 5
USA - 1
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 21, 2023 9:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Aggiunte le commissioni e i metodi di pagamento per il torneo
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 05, 2023 9:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ex Colonials (NZL/USA)
España 1 (ESP)
Ludius Lusitani (PRT)
US 1 (USA)
The Galahs from Downunder (AUS)
The Daughters of Dracula (GB-ENG)
Mojito Compagnie 1 (FRA)
Suricatas de Alpercatas (PRT)
Portugal 1 (PRT)
La companyia catalana (ESP)
les cadets de Gascogne (FRA)
Yorkshire (GB-ENG)
The woefully unprepaired (GER)
Capítulo Nono (FRA)
España 2 (ESP)
España 3 (ESP)
Strategus Alentejus (PRT)
Nuijamiehet (FIN)
Achille (FRA)
Greece (GRE)
Scotland (GB-SCT)
Oreband (PRT)
1 Legio Italica (ITA)
Brigata Internazionale (ONU - ITA + AUS + PRT)

AUS - 1
ESP - 4
FIN - 1
FRA - 4
GB-ENG - 3
GB-SCT - 1
GER - 1
GRE - 1
ITA - 1
NZL - 1
PRT - 5
UN - 2
USA - 1
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 10, 2023 7:20 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Poiché una delle squadre pre-iscritte non aveva le condizioni per confermare la sua registrazione definitiva, avremo una squadra dispari.
Se conosci un giocatore interessato a partecipare anche solo sabato o domenica, segnalacelo. Saremo lieti di includerlo senza quota di iscrizione

Elenco definitivo delle 26 squadre iscritte:
1 Legio Italica
Brigata Internazionale
Cadets de Gascogne
Capitulo Nono
Daughters of Dracula
España 1
España 2
España 3
Ex Colonials
Foreign Legion
La companyia catalana
Ludius Lusitani
Mojito Compagnie
Portugal 1
Strategus Alentejus
The Galahs from Downunder
The woefully unprepaired
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 23, 2023 8:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
aggiunto il programma del torneo...
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 24, 2023 10:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
R&R sulla pagina FB dell'evento:
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2014
Messages: 714
Localisation: Scotland
MessagePosté le: Lun Aoû 28, 2023 9:39 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Sfortunatamente uno dei nostri membri del team scozzese per Lisbona è stato ricoverato in ospedale e non può effettuare il viaggio. Contattami se vuoi prendere il loro posto. L'hotel è già prenotato e pagato. Sono disponibili anche voli (possibilmente con tariffa di trasferimento) se preparati a volare domani (29) da Edimburgo.
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Orlando Almeida

Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2016
Messages: 424
MessagePosté le: Lun Aoû 28, 2023 9:35 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Molto triste Sad

per quanto riguarda il torneo, abbiamo trovato una soluzione spostando i giocatori da una squadra all'altra. A breve pubblicheremo la composizione rivista dei Team
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