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LADG beginner, gathering Early Germans
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Army lists
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Inscrit le: 11 Nov 2016
Messages: 8
Localisation: Newark, New Jersey, USA
MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 02, 2017 3:55 pm    Sujet du message: LADG beginner, gathering Early Germans Répondre en citant
Salutations, gentlefolk !

Was active Ancients wargamer in the 90's - WRG 7th, anyone - out of hobby for most of past decade. Now back, painting up army for the Tuesday evening games at Maplewood Hobby ( - stop by should you be in the NYC area)

Preparing an Early German #90 army, because:
an uncomplicated army, won't get in trouble before I learn the rules
'packs a punch', will make an interesting game (so I am told)
have lead on hand or purchased cheaply

So, since tomorrow forecast to be warm enough to take deflashed figures outside, finish priming, paint in December and January, and then plan to field this OOB:

L'Art de la Guerre - Early German, # 90 - Forest

C in C, Arminius - Strategist - Cost 10

2 x Ordinary Commanders - cost 0

Initiative Value: + 3

Fortifications x 4 @ 1 4
Fortified Camp 6

Lt cavalry javelin x 3 @ 6 18
Lt infantry javelin x 6 @ 4 24
Lt infantry bow x 2 @ 4 8

Warriors x 13 @ 10 130
Heavy swordmen impetuous elite

(should add up to 200, or hath I a mistake made ?)

Replace Arminius with three competent commanders ?
Replace some units of swordmen with medium cavalry ?
Other tips, hints, or warnings ?

OK, wish me luck!

Happy Hannukah, Solistice, Christmas, & New Years to everyone, and a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2018

Yours, John
As Governor Romney said about the Winter Olympics...
"Some days you win, some days you luge"
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Inscrit le: 15 Nov 2017
Messages: 52
MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 02, 2017 4:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Impetuous troops are a nightmare to control.

I'd reccomend changing the strategist for a few better commanders to give you at least a chance of 3 pips to hold them when you don't want them going in. Smile
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2012
Messages: 1202
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 02, 2017 4:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
This army is very powerful but has 3 weakness :
- poor command (+2)
- impetuous infantry
- poor cavalry support ( even elite, MC are just suitable to support mission)
A solution coud be the use of Armin ius to control 1 big corps of heavy infantry impetuous elite, screen by at least 6 LI and 2 corps of medium cav elite + LH jav.
Another to have 1 heavy infantry (7-Cool corps under Arminius command, 1 under ordinary command with heavy infantry (4-5) + FF (no more impetuous) acting as an attack supporting corps and one small cavalry corps under ordinary command (usable in flank march) with at least 2 LH, giving initiative +3 (+1 for command, +1 for Arminius, +1 for having 2 LH)
Use as many LI javelin as you can and try to fight in forest.
"Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead"
Cdr Farragut,Mobile 1864
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2014
Messages: 1545
MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 02, 2017 9:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Here is a brutal and ruthless list. Corps #3 in center or against coastal zone.
Corps #1 on open flank.
You will defend a lot.
Advance fast as possible against everything except cataphracts and knights. Advance where they are not.

4 HI Impetuous Elite
2 LI Javelin
2 MC
1 LC Javelin

5 HI Impetuous Elite
2 LI Javelin
1 MC

Ordinary Included
6 HI Impetuous Elite
1 LI Javelin

15 widths of killing power. The issue is everyone will try to swing around your flank.
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