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Conversion to Mixed Units ?
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Rules question V4
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 384
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 07, 2024 9:52 pm    Sujet du message: Conversion to Mixed Units ? Répondre en citant
Looking at the example on page 87 - am I correct in that in following situation:

Medium Swordsmen @ 6pts 2-4
Bowmen @ 7pts 2-4

Replace some Medium Foot Swordsmen and Bowman with mixed formation:
1/2 Medium Foot swordsmen
1/2 Bowmen @8pts 0-4

That I am only required to buy 2 x Mixed Formations to comply with the minimum Compulsory unit requirements (or must I buy 4)?

I am probably being dim about this and somewhere it states the answer very clearly Shocked
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Inscrit le: 21 Mar 2018
Messages: 304
MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 07, 2024 10:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
I am not seeing the example on page 87 you are referring to.

If the list is as you state it, I think you are required to buy 4 units in the base case.

You may not reduce this required number to 2 by replacing them. - each mixed unit does not count as 2.

I would have to see the exact list you are looking at to be sure. Because some lists have cases where mixed units are not replaced 1 for 1 and this is covered in the notes
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 384
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 07, 2024 11:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
SteveR a écrit:
I am not seeing the example on page 87 you are referring to.

If the list is as you state it, I think you are required to buy 4 units in the base case.

You may not reduce this required number to 2 by replacing them. - each mixed unit does not count as 2.

I would have to see the exact list you are looking at to be sure. Because some lists have cases where mixed units are not replaced 1 for 1 and this is covered in the notes

Hi Steve - this is a hypothetical example above.
But the same wording applies to lists as broad at the Hurri-Mittani #21 or Kingdom of Sicily #188 (with the creation of mixed spears/xbow units) and others.

In the example on Page 87 - each mixed unit appears to be made up of 1 heavy spearman and 1 crossbow unit - with the implication that these 2 units form 1 mixed unit.
That is the basis upon which I've based my question above. e.g. does it takes one of each type of unit to create a single mixed unit, as stated at the bottom of page.87 and if that is the case does the combining 'soak-up' the requirement for 4 compulsory units (2 swd and 2 bow) to create just 2 mixed swd/bow units Very Happy
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Inscrit le: 21 Mar 2018
Messages: 304
MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 08, 2024 12:24 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Hi Mark,

Okay, I understand. Let's use list 21 as an example.

You need 2-6 MSW and 2-6 Bow.

Up to 6 of them may be replaced by mixed shooters.

You can still buy the other 6 if you wish.

So the Mitanni smust have a minimum of 4 foot. 2 of each type. Each of those may be replaced by a mixes shooter but a replaced unit just counts as 1.

There are other lists where the replacement ratio is explicit - take a look at the note for 246 Burgundian Oronnance for example.
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 384
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 08, 2024 9:08 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
SteveR a écrit:
Hi Mark,

Okay, I understand. Let's use list 21 as an example.

You need 2-6 MSW and 2-6 Bow.

Up to 6 of them may be replaced by mixed shooters.

You can still buy the other 6 if you wish.

So the Mitanni smust have a minimum of 4 foot. 2 of each type. Each of those may be replaced by a mixes shooter but a replaced unit just counts as 1.

There are other lists where the replacement ratio is explicit - take a look at the note for 246 Burgundian Oronnance for example.

Hi Steve
I can see your 'workings' on this but my reason for challenging this is that the example on page 87 does state that: "both types must be replaced by mixed units with one stand of spearmen and one stand of crossbowmen". So to create a single mixed (compulsory) unit I am using 1 MF swd and 1 Bowman (both compulsory). So, in my logic I end up with 2 compulsory mixed units (in the Mitanni example).
NB: the Burgundian Ordonnance example is a one-off oddity (leaving aside the fact that the troop type it is depicting was historically hypothetical and probably never took to the field).

There doesn't appear to be another example in the lists where a pair of compulsory unit types can be combined into a single mixed unit type, so getting a clear steer on how that conversion is applied is helpful.

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Inscrit le: 07 Fév 2017
Messages: 341
Localisation: Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK
MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 08, 2024 10:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
I've always worked on the principle that replacement would be on a one for one basis i these cases. Looking at the Texcalan list (290, p263):

There are 4-12 Telcpocalli Warriors (M Sw) and 4-12 Bowmen.
You may "Replace some archers and/or warriors by mixed units 0-6"

I don't interpret that as meaning that I can have 4 mixed units and that would satisfy both minima, so I would need a minimum of 8 units of which up to 6 could be mixed. The other 2 could be any combiation of archers/warriors.
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 384
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 08, 2024 12:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
kevinj a écrit:
I've always worked on the principle that replacement would be on a one for one basis i these cases. Looking at the Texcalan list (290, p263):

There are 4-12 Telcpocalli Warriors (M Sw) and 4-12 Bowmen.
You may "Replace some archers and/or warriors by mixed units 0-6"

I don't interpret that as meaning that I can have 4 mixed units and that would satisfy both minima, so I would need a minimum of 8 units of which up to 6 could be mixed. The other 2 could be any combiation of archers/warriors.

An interesting interpretation Kevin.
But that is contradictory to the wording on Page 87. If you follow that wording - you'd need 4 Warriors and 4 Bowmen to create 4 mixed units.
If you wanted to create 6 mixed units you'd be using 6 Warriors and 6 Bowmen, and by doing so you'd be using up all the compulsory 4 x Warriors and 4 x Bowmen + 2 extra Warriors and 2 extra Bowmen (12 units in total - which is your maximum allowance of mixed units) you'd have 6 more individual Warrior units & 6 more Bowmen units to select from

My question (using your Tecpocalli example) is whether the total of 8 compulsory units (4 Warriors & 4 Bowmen) is converted into 8 compulsory units (6 mixed and 1 Warrior and 1 Bowmen) or a minimum of just 4 mixed compulsory units (created from the 4 compulsory Warriors and 4 compulsory Bowmen)? My thinking is that that is what is stated on page 87.

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Inscrit le: 21 Mar 2018
Messages: 304
MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 08, 2024 7:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Hi Mark,

Can you explain exactly what wording on page 87 you are referring to?

Because page 87 does not give an example of the case we are discussing, and the note about the Florence option looks to explain the example rather than promulgate a general rule about replacements.

The "one stand of spearmen and one stand of crossbowmen" seems to me to show how one can represent the mixed unit using legacy DBM bases. Each of which is 1/2 of an ADLG unit.

Kevin is right.
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 384
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 08, 2024 8:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
SteveR a écrit:
Hi Mark,

Can you explain exactly what wording on page 87 you are referring to?

Because page 87 does not give an example of the case we are discussing, and the note about the Florence option looks to explain the example rather than promulgate a general rule about replacements.

The "one stand of spearmen and one stand of crossbowmen" seems to me to show how one can represent the mixed unit using legacy DBM bases. Each of which is 1/2 of an ADLG unit.

Kevin is right.

Hi Steve.

The example on page 87 appears to be the only place (that I can find) outside specific army lists, that actually attempts to establish the methodology for converting 2 separate types of units into a combined unit.

Page 87 - last bullet point on the left-hand column - referring to the table above - in the section that starts 'Mixed units represent units with two different types of troops.' etc.
In the 2nd bullet it states the following:
'If the Florence option is chosen, all militia units of both types must be replaced by mixed units with one stand of spearmen and one stand of crossbowmen.'

My assumption has always been that a stand is a unit as far as ADLG is concerned. So in my mind 1 spear + 1 crossbow (swd + bow) creates a single mixed unit.
So if you are stating that a 'stand' is actually half a unit, then it makes some degree of sense (I suppose).
Thank you
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Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2016
Messages: 690
Localisation: West Bromwich
MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 09, 2024 12:02 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Do reread p87 Florence example.and see that 2 spear and 2 crossbow become 4 mixed units.
There are only two of each available to start with.
So no 4 plus 4 equals 4.
Player 747 don't call me Jumbo
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 384
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 09, 2024 8:52 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Dickstick a écrit:
Do reread p87 Florence example.and see that 2 spear and 2 crossbow become 4 mixed units.
There are only two of each available to start with.
So no 4 plus 4 equals 4.

This is where I am getting all confused????

Is it a 4 + 4 = 8 then (although only 6 are allowed) in the Mittani list or that the 2 + 2 compulsory units becomes 2 mixed compulsory units Shocked
I'll get my coat! Laughing
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Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2016
Messages: 690
Localisation: West Bromwich
MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 09, 2024 9:16 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Not quite.
The Hurri-Mitanni list still requires 4 minimum of Shukituhli / Aweluti / Alike ilki up to a maximum of 12.
Player 747 don't call me Jumbo
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Inscrit le: 07 Fév 2017
Messages: 341
Localisation: Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK
MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 09, 2024 9:46 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
An interesting interpretation Kevin.
But that is contradictory to the wording on Page 87

I think the confusing item here is the use of the word "stand" in the example on P87 (which actually doesn't seem to be from a real list). For me this just describes how these units are to be depicted, assuming the figures are on DBX style bases as "stand" does not have any meaning in the rules. Even using that example, I can't see any other interpretation than one mixed unit replaces one spear or crossbow unit as that's the only way that two sets of 0-2 could give a limit of up to 4 as stated in the second bullet point.
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 384
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 09, 2024 10:40 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Hence my questions as there doesn't appear to be any actual consistency.

You are right about the p.87 example not being a 'real' list and unfortunately it is actually not that helpful.

In the actual Condottieri - Florentine list #235 it just states: "replace all crossbow militia by mixed units" 0-2 - so no reference to needing any of the militia Spearmen to make-up these mixed units.
In the Communal Italian #189 from 1200AD section it states: "replace some Crossbowmen with mixed units" 0-4 - so again, no reference to needing any spearmen to achieve this change.
The Texcalan list #290 states: " Replace some archers an/or Warriors by mixed units" 0-6, when the Warriors are 4-12 and the Bowmen 4-12.
But that would seem to imply that you could just change the 4 compulsory Bowmen to mixed units and leave all the Warriors as MF swordmen.
So you are correct in the observation that the Texcalan list bears the closest resemblance to the Hurri-Mittani challenge.

NB: just why the Burgundian Ordonnance works a completely different way is another 'mystery' - especially as the troop type never appears to have existed - and even the contemporary illustration we have of the (hypothetical) unit actually shows a mix of polearm armed infantry and longbowmen (with stakes) which is a lot more plausible than pikes (IMHO).

So for now (unless stated specifically - as in the odd Burgundian Ordonnance example) I'll be trying to run with 1 unit changed creates a mixed unit - but I suspect it is something that might need to be looked at, at some point, as the 'logic' seems to be inconsistent and swapping out 1 for 1 does create a bit of an issue (on occassions).
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2014
Messages: 1585
MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 09, 2024 1:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Mark G Fry a écrit:

So for now (unless stated specifically - as in the odd Burgundian Ordonnance example) I'll be trying to run with 1 unit changed creates a mixed unit - but I suspect it is something that might need to be looked at, at some point, as the 'logic' seems to be inconsistent and swapping out 1 for 1 does create a bit of an issue (on occasions).

Correct. In nearly every case (IE BO exception) one unit is replaced by one unit.

Remember not every case is it the same troops adopting a different formation. In some case it permits different historical interpretations of the data. In other cases it is an evolution of doctrine. In other cases it is a way of just quantifying.

p 157 Han
Halbrediers and/or Crossbowmen can be mixed units.
One could take the 8 halbrediers as 1/2 and 1/2. Then also take 6 crossbowmen.

All very clear.

It looks like you are taking the BO case (and past editions or other rules) and then trying to bring that situation elsewhere. That is not the requirement. A long evolution towards simplicity.
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